Project 2: Filters and Frequencies

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1.1 Finite Difference Operator

Gradient Magnitude Computation

We start by defining the finite difference operators for the x and y directions respectively. We then convolve the original image by the Dx operator and the Dy operator, creating two new images that detect the horizontal and vertical edges respectively. To calculate the gradient magnitude, I stacked the x and y partial derivative images and took the L2 norm to find the final pixel values.

Original Cameraman Image
Binarized dX, threshold=0.1
Binarized dY, threshold=0.1
Binarized Gradient Magnitude Image, threshold=0.2

1.2 Derivative of Gaussian Filter

Gaussian Blurred Cameraman Image
Derivative of Gaussian Filter

I noticed some key differences from the DoG filter versus the finite difference operator. The edge lines seem to be much thicker, implying that there were a lot more "activations" of the DoG filter. You can clearly see the outline of the man and his camera. There is also less noise since our threshold did not have to be too low to capture the relevant edges.

I also noticed that doing the entire process in a single convolution by first blurring the finite difference operators with the Gaussian kernel resulted in the same exact image.

2.1 Image "Sharpening"

Original Blurry Taj Mahal Image
Sharpened Taj Mahal Image
Original Sharp City Night Image
Blurred City Night Image
Resharpened City Night Image

Based on visual observation, the resharpened image seems to be at the same level of "sharpness" as the original.

2.2 Hybrid Images

Derek and Nutmeg Blend

Derek Original
Derek FFT
Nutmeg Original
Nutmeg FFT
Low Frequency Derek FFT
High Frequency Nutmeg FFT
Blended Derek and Nutmeg Image
Blended Derek and Nutmeg FFT

Woman and Lion Blend

Woman Original Image
Lion Original Image
Blended Woman and Lion

Passage of Time (Blended Clocks)

Clock 1
Clock 2
Blended Clocks

For these images the blend is a little subtle - you can see that we used a low-pass filter for the first clock (whose hands are blurred) and a high pass filter for the second clock (outlined hands)

2.3 Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

Apple Laplacian
Orange Laplacian

2.4 Multiresolution Blending

Apple and Orange Blend

Orange/Apple Mask
See Laplacian stacks in section 2.3

Berlin Wall Man and Woman Painting Blend

Painting of Man
Painting of Woman
Man/Woman Mask
Laplacian of Man
Laplacian of Woman
Final Blended images

Earth on Stage Blend

Earth Original Image
Stage Original Image
Earth/Stage Mask
Earth Laplacian
Stage Laplacian
Final Blended Earth/Stage